Press Release Summary = Cheap car insurance premiums are one thing, but at what expense to your protect coverage? How \"cheap\" should your car insurance really be?
Press Release Body = Cheapest Car Insurance - Just How Cheap?
What really is \"cheap\" and how \"cheap\" should you go? My family has been in the auto body business since 1937. If you take your car to our body shop for repairs, the first question we ask is \"who is your insurance carrier\".
Some insurance companies are easy to deal with, making our job as the repair facility easier and your repair time faster and less hassle for you and I. I can not mention names....but I can mention a few sites who ARE easy to deal with, and they REALLY do have the cheapest car insurance. Would you like to know who they are?
It is highly suggested to get \"rental car coverage\". This is usually something you have to ask for, but the small increase in yearly premium (probably $20) is more than worth it in the long run. When your vehicle is being repaired the rental fees will be covered by your policy. Without this coverage you could end up paying the rental car expense yourself.
Ask your agent about the limits of rental coverage. In most cases you are allowed $25 per day for a maximum of 25 days. If you have ever been involved in a major accident you are probably aware that 25 days can go by very quickly. Waiting on an insurance adjuster to visit and approve your claim, parts to be ordered or special ordered, the actual repair time, weekends and holidays and just human nature are all important factors to consider...when you wonder why it can take months to repair a vehicle these days.
Make sure you inform the repair shop about your rental limit, and hold them accountable for all rental car expenses not covered under your policy due to repair times extending past the allowable time for your rental given by your insurance carrier.
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